© Lorena Amorós · 2013

Lorena Amorós Blasco (Alicante, 1974) has a PhD in Fine Arts from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (2004). She was awarded the “First Prize Doctoral Thesis” by the Institute of Culture Juan Gil -Albert of Alicante. She is currently a lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Murcia, where she has taught both at the undergraduate degree and in the MásterUniversitario en Producción y Gestión Artística (“Master in Arts Production and Management of the University”) since 2005. She has coordinated seminars such as Ceci est mon corps... Ceci est monlogiciel: Orlan y la experiencia de la carne”,("Ceci est mon corps ... Ceci est mon logiciel: Orlan and the experience of the flesh") in the Centro de Documentación de Estudios Avanzados de Arte Contemporáneo (“Centre of Advanced Studies in Contemporary Art), CENDEAC (Murcia, 2006), and taught courses such as “La experiencia de la representación: Concepto poliédrico de la identidad en la práctica artística contemporánea”("The experience of representation: multifaceted concept of identity in contemporary art practice") at the UPV of Valencia ( 2009). She has been part of research projects such as Políticas de Identidad en el imaginario artístico contemporáneo (“Identity Policy in contemporary artistic imagination”) ( Fundación Séneca, 2009).

Her work, linked to artistic practice and aesthetic theory has focused on showing other ways of reflection on the link between self-representation and self-destruction based on a multidisciplinary and contemporary vision. She is the author of Abismos de la mirada. La experiencia límite en el autorretrato último (Cendeac, Murcia, 2005) and articles like “Ante la bofetada de lo real” published in Revista de Occidente in 2006. Her work as an artist has been present in several exhibitions such as  Reliquias desentrañables, MUBAM 2010; Mi familia es un tesoro, in Fundación José García Jiménez (Murcia 2010) or Cartografías de la creatividad (Spain, Dominican Republic and Cuba, 2010-2011).